“Education Support”

General Impression

Overall Rating:    9 / 10

Overall a great experience. Very challenging but that should be expected in Africa


Uganda is a country that is rapidly changing and therefore has a vast range of conditions. Cities are crowed and have the issues of any large city - traffic, crime, bad roads etc.. Remote areas are still grass huts and very primitive.

Project & Staff

Alice and Bazil (our hosts) provide a great facility. Would have been nice to know in advance they are vegan. We would have packed some protein bars since protein is a part of our diet and the rapid change made adapting harder than it had to be.

The foundation was good facility. A wide variety of tasks was provided which showed the diversity of efforts at the facility. Biggest challenge was they are very laid back (typical African sense of urgency) and that can be hard for Americans. Americans need to understand African sense of time is very different.


Be prepared for very different urgency. Be prepared to not have electricity (some homes are solar only and in case of multi day rains there may be no power). Be prepared for long term disconnection from social media. Signals at times can be very week so may not have signal for days. Be prepared for limited diet. The same food may be served multiple times.

General suggestion - it will be different - you will choose to complain it or laugh about it and adapt. Pit latrines, squatty potties, bucket showers an more are opportunity to grow or complain.